



Verification of the factors that impact your inheritance: the residency of the person (s) involved in the inheritance, the tax residency of the deceased and the heirs, the law applicable to the succession, the nationality (s), the number of heirs and their degree of relationship, the civil status of the parties or the territorial situation of the property, among many others ...


Create the succession record(s) and prepare the associated documents: EU documents, application for residency, wills, donations, international succession and applicable law(s).

 Assist the heirs in the formalities of the inheritance: Declarations of heirs, last will, act of notoriety, notarial deeds, full management under mandate, subscription to the requisite register(s).

 Relay, from our office located in Spain, with the official bodies, notaries, and other professionals specializing in the management of inheritances and foreign estates, to resolve your case.


Verification of the status of your assets and the ownership of the property with the official bodies and registers. In case of discrepancy, legalize the situation to register the property in the name of the owner or his heirs.

Advise on the procedure of cessation of indivision situations. Partition in case of several owners.


 Our objectives:

  • Establish an accurate situation of your estate
  • Evaluate the tax situation according to each operation.
  • Adapt the solutions to your needs and explain the consequences of your decisions.
  • Optimize time and minimize procedures and travel required.
  • Accompany you until the settlement of the inheritance


  •  Inform the heirs of their obligations and the tax consequences of the acceptance of the inheritance in Spain and in their country of residence.
  • Analyze the potential risks on the passive estate


  • Consult the Spanish national register(s) to verify the heritage situation.
  • Estimate the value of your estate on the real estate market or with an expert assessor. 


  • Submit the tax declarations corresponding to the operations undertaken by the preparation and/or the acceptance of the inheritance.
  • Estimate the tax burden (inheritance tax, capital gains tax, tax on donations, and taxes required by local governments, the Autonomous Region or the Spanish State).


  •  Analyze the tax implications of the transaction with respect to the various fiscal agreements signed by Spain to avoid double taxation.



 The profession of genealogist is regulated in most EU countries, but not in Spain where lawyers are responsible for this function.

 These professionals specialized in genealogy and lineage are responsible for looking for heirs and managing complicated inheritances (many heirs, scattered in several countries, and/or unknown heirs).

 It is important to know that a genealogist will not ask you for money to manage the inheritance. He or she advances the costs, covers the debts, and will be remunerated by applying a percentage on the inheritance as previously negotiated and established in his or her mandate.

 Our mission is precisely to convince of the absolute legality of the mission of the genealogist, who acts under the mandate of a notary, a foreign court or an heir, and, in doing so guarantees the control of all the steps.

  With inheritor living abroad

 Heirs residing in Spain who inherit abroad are solicited by administrations or professionals (courts, guardians, notaries, genealogists or lawyers) who manage the estate abroad.

 Often, individuals are sent a communication, written by a genealogical office and sent from abroad, to announce that they have inherited from a deceased person they might not even know about his or her existence.

 We contact, advise and provide the interface between the parties.

 With inheritor living in Spain

 When the heirs, not residing in Spain, inherit property in that State, they must initiate a procedure for the acceptance of the inheritance in Spain.

 We manage the succession of the estate, search and contact all the heirs, either directly or through notaries, genealogists or lawyers abroad.